Whether yours is a beef, dairy, or feedlot operation, Pioneer Veterinary Services strives to provide you with first-class herd health management, consultation and individual animal medicine with a strong focus on animal health, welfare and production. Our extensive background in cattle management facilitates a practical approach to medicine that integrates the financial decisions that are central to your success.

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Cow/ Calf
- Herd Health Consultation
- Individual Animal Medicine
- Vaccine and Treatment Protocol Development
- Pregnancy Diagnosis (Ultrasound and Palpation)
- Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation
- Artificial Insemination, Reproductive Tract Palpation, and Estrus Synchronization
- Scouring Calf Treatment and Hospitalization
- Surgery
- Export Cattle Inspection
- Emergency Services

- Herd Health including DHI and Dairy Comp305 Data Analysis
- Individual Animal Medicine
- Calf Health Services and Data Analysis
- Pregnancy diagnoses and fresh cow checks via ultrasound
- Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation
- Vaccine and Treatment Protocol Development
- Surgery
- Emergency Service

- Herd Health Consultation
- Individual Animal Medicine
- Vaccine and Treatment Protocol Development
- Surgery
- Export Cattle Inspection
- Emergency Service